5 Awesome Benefits of Managed Services for Your IT

There are some things in this world that we hold as absolute truths: the sun always rises, what goes up must always come down, and small business owners are perpetually busy. In fact, you’re – as the kids say these days – v. busy. You’ve got plenty to worry about and attend to, and frankly, IT shouldn’t be one of them. In fact, if you try to take on your IT issues by yourself, you can wind up losing precious productivity time, not to mention money.

Fortunately, business owners of all shapes and sizes don’t have to be held responsible for their IT. Here are just 5 amazing benefits that you’ll experience when you sign up for IT managed services:

Experts on Hand

We all have our talents. Perhaps you’re really awesome at selling real estate. That’s something we can’t do; in fact, we would probably only be able to find the best place in the house to set up a sweet gaming room if we were in your shoes. But here’s one thing we’re really, really good at: IT. Just like you wouldn’t ask us to help you sell a house, you should let us handle your IT. This allows you to focus on doing what you do best while we ensure your network is running smoothly.

Problems Solved Quickly

Instead of breaking into a cold sweat and Googling how to fix your latest IT issue, call on your friends at Acropolis Technology Group. Our knowledgeable staff can solve any problem or answer any IT-based question you have. In fact, Acropolis is the only firm in St. Louis that has a dedicated 24/7 proactive team whose only function is to do the important tasks to protect you and your business. To borrow from Vanilla Ice, “If there’s a problem, yo, we’ll solve it.”

Stay Up to Date

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who update their tech as soon as an update comes out and those who keep putting it off. With our managed services, you won’t have to worry about updates. We take it upon ourselves to implement new technology updates and start projects right away, which helps save you time, money, and lots and lots of patience.

Predictable Pricing

As a small business owner, you probably like predictability, especially when it comes to paying for monthly services. Our fixed monthly fee will help you set the same amount of money every month for your customized IT support.

Peace of Mind

We know you have a lot on your mind – your IT should be one of the last things you should worry about. With our managed services, you can rest easily knowing that our experts are on your side, safeguarding your data and making sure your network security is top-notch. It’s like having your own personal Batman, except we tackle IT issues, not villains.

Ready to get started? Take a load off your mind (and your plate) by calling Acropolis Technology Group at (314) 890-2208 to learn more about our managed services and awesome IT support!