Blog Posts - Acropolis Technology Group

5 Best Virtual Team Building Activities

Written by Acropolis | Sep 2, 2020 4:00:57 PM

Check out our 5 ideas for ways to keep the virtual life fresh!

Virtual happy hour. Check. Virtual online games. Check. Virtual catching up with a coworker. Check. We feel like we’ve done it all. What has your company done to fill the social gap that COVID-19 has caused? At first, the unknown time lapse of this virus seemed like a temporary problem, but as we are surpassing the 6- month mark of virtual corporate life, we are constantly looking for new ways to connect.


1.              Online Games - Icebreakers - 1 hour - These are great when new employees have joined the team but have not been in the office yet. Meeting people virtually and getting to know them can still happen with the right ice breaking activities. Two truths and a lie is a great one. Or even a good scavenger hunt. 

2.              Coffee Breaks - 30 minutes or less - whether it’s one on one or with a group, it’s always a great idea to spend 30 minutes or less just having coffee with a coworker or two. Catching up on what’s going on in their world and vice versa really builds that comradery. Getting to know your coworkers on a personal level will always help you understand them better on a professional level. 

3.              Story Time - 30 minutes or less - This is an idea that maybe you want to do in a smaller size company vs. a large corporation. If you are in a larger corporation, it is still possible, but maybe bring it down to a department activity. Once a week, (most likely on Friday afternoon when people are less busy and ready for the weekend), block out a time where a coworker tells everyone else a story about their life that maybe people did not know before. The coworker that shares that week can be completely randomly chosen out of a bowl, or electronic picker. I would send an email out asking who would want to share a story with the company/department and then put all of those names in the bowl to choose from. 

4.              Learn something new together - 1 hour - Whether you hire someone outside the company to teach you how to make mixed drinks, how to paint a landscape or how to cook a meal. These are just a few ideas that come to mind. The point is that everyone learns a new trade - together. How did yours turn out? Mine’s a mess! Can someone help me fix it? Team building at its finest.

5.              Virtual book or movie club - 30 min - 1 hour - a month but really could be as often as your team decides - Have the whole team read the same book or watch the same movie and then come back and discuss. Maybe you watch the movie together! This is another great activity but does require a bit more time together. Finding the movie or book that peaks everyone’s interest is the challenge here but taking turns on genre’s and subjects is the key - compromising. Isn’t that what successful team building is all about anyway?


The main goal is keeping employees connected whether they are a long-term employee or a summer intern. Everyone feels heard and acknowledged. All of this can be completely optional for those who feel as though their needs are already met and prefer to stay out of the social aspect. Employee satisfaction is the goal.


Blog written by Maria Berra 9/2/20