Something to Chalk About: The Artwork of Acropolis

IT management is an art form. Kind of like, well… art. But here’s the deal, we know a whole lot about IT, not so much about art history. Rococo? Isn’t that a coffee company? Baroque? That’s a computer in need of fixing, right? Right. Okay, let’s just say we won’t be winning any art-themed trivia nights anytime soon. Unless Maria’s at our table, that is.

Maria Berra isn’t just our marketing guru, she’s also our uber-talented resident artist. If you’ve ever seen our chalk wall, then you’re well acquainted with some of her work. Those murals around the office? Yeah, those are hers as well. We helped, of course. A little. Okay, not much, honestly. We were too busy standing in awe of the artist at work.

Thanks to Maria, we’ve had a lot of awesome art around the office. Here’s some of the work that’s definitely going down in the Acropolis art history books:

Back to School! (or another day at Acropolis)

The Back to School Series was the first set of drawings on our chalk wall. It was certainly simpler than the work that would follow, but we think it served as a perfect “getting to know the Acropolis crew” post. Check out our Facebook gallery for the full series!

Bill Nye the IT Guy


In celebration of National Bow Tie Day, this was the first portrait/quote to ever appear on the chalk wall. We felt the quote was the perfect representation of our company culture. We all specialize in different areas of IT and make a priority of appreciating and learning from each other’s strengths.

Clark Griswold


We just wanted to wish everybody the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny Kaye. We’re all quite proud of this portrait, especially Maria. She still says it’s her favorite. Now, where’s the Tylenol?

Ron Burgundy


We were a top IT Firm finalist in St. Louis Small Business Monthly's 2018 Best in Business Awards, so yeah… we’re kind of a big deal. In all seriousness, though, it’s always a proud moment when our team is awarded. We have a lot of people to thank, but if The Oscars taught us anything, it’s that we shouldn’t get too long-winded, so we’ll just say thank you to everyone who voted!

The Office Murals




See, we did help with these! Our office murals are visual representations of “the old world mixed with new technology.” That is the theme on which our company was founded. The Acropolis is considered part of the old world, but it had a significant purpose. It held the Parthenon up high, protecting it from the town and the elements. We’re, of course, the Acropolis in this example. Each business we help is the Parthenon. It’s the old world in the new setting of modern technology.

All of the artwork in our office serves a similar metaphorical purpose with the old meeting the new. Take our chalk wall, for example. It’s one of the first things you see when you walk into Acropolis. We figure there’s no better way to welcome people in need of modern technology solutions than with a touch of old-school artistic technology. Oh, and we even made a video about it. Check it out below!