6 Reasons Why Your Small Business Should Consider the Cloud

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All business owners want their companies to do well. It’s only natural. After all, why would you want to even start it in the first place if you didn’t want it to succeed? If you’re looking for an easy way to take your business to the next level, allow us to introduce one of the best things ever (at least in our opinion): the Cloud.

It sounds like a mythical being, a superhero that fights crime in the shadows, or even some hip new band. Except it’s actually better than all of those things put together. Because unlike all of those aforementioned things, the Cloud helps your small business be even more successful. Here are 6 reasons why you should seriously consider migrating over to the Cloud if you haven’t already:

Save More Money – Who doesn’t like saving money? Seriously. You have to either be crazy or rich (or crazy rich, we suppose) if you’re not looking to fatten your wallet. Cloud computing can help you do this in a lot of ways (as you’re soon to find out). This awesome technology can store all your important documents and data, meaning you’ll need less physical storage and fewer IT resources. Boom. Money saved.

Easy Access to Vital Information – Yep. You can access your important information and documents anytime, anywhere, and from any device. No longer will you have to worry about your files being stored solely on a single device; we’re not about that life. This is especially helpful whenever you or your employees need to work outside of the office at any point for any reason. Trust us – you’ll thank us later!

Greater Flexibility – Hey, we get it. Time is money, and work doesn’t stop when inclement weather or sickness strikes. The Cloud is there for you in these desperate times, allowing you and your team to access everything they could in the office. Verified administrators can also give access and permission controls to key members, and you’ll be able to see real-time updates to shared documents. This increases your productivity and collaboration, no matter where you are!

24/7/365 Security –It’s only natural that you worry about the safety of your documents and data. With the Cloud, you’ll never have to even think about security issues, even if a work computer or laptop were stolen. You can rest easily knowing that your vital information will remain safe nestled in the Cloud.

Redundancy, Redundancy, Redundancy – See what we did there? Repetition is typically frowned upon, but not when it comes to the Cloud. Why? Two words: system failure, a.k.a. one of the worst things that can happen to your business. Should this occur and your data isn’t backed up, you could lose all of your important information, which can ultimately close the doors to your business. Fortunately, the Cloud features built-in redundancy, meaning that your information is replicated across several data centers. Even if a natural disaster were to strike your business or a data center, your documents and information will remain safe!

Hassle-Free Automatic Updates – When your servers are offsite, you will no longer need to take care of maintaining them. Your cloud provider (*cough cough Acropolis cough*) does it all for you. That means you can spend all of your working hours doing the things you do best and making your small business succeed.

So, what do you think? Pretty sweet, right? We think so, too. If you’ve not already migrated to the Cloud, no worries – we can hook you up! Be sure to contact your friends at Acropolis Technology Group and ask us about our Helios Cloud.